
Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 4, 2012


Translator : PHAM HONG SON
2011 - 2012


On Google Books you have read some of my ideas presented  in the booklet entitled Oh! Viet Nam, My country (the English Version), and now with some more thoughts incorporated with some excerpts taken from the abovesaid booklet I am going to make up another one with a new title Viet Nam of Tomorrow , Shall It Share The Destiny of Champa? of which the Vietnamese version has been posted on Google Books some time ago. Now, the English version will be coming up for readers of little understanding of the Vietnamese language to know something about Viet Nam, my country, then and now, and, in a near future, certainly…  In this new booklet I am jotting down my thoughts I have had about my country then, now and to morrow by relating Viet Nam to some news and facts I have heard with my ears and witnessed with my own eyes from Viet Nam in-land and from everywhere in the world... Whenever my thoughts coming up I jotted them down …and to begin, here are some ideas about Cosmos I have read  from the Theological Studies written by the great Evangelist J.D. Olsen.

@ The World is from the Greek word Kosmos, litterally means order of this world. Jesus teaches that Satan is the Prince of this world. How does Satan have this kind of authority? We cannot have a correct answer. Nevertheless, if a study is performed carefully concerning the leading principles in the realms of commerce, politics, social and international affairs, who  dare deny Satan’s manipulative role in our Universe? We often see competition and fraud in commercial domain, dictatorship and oppression in political realm, poverty and ignorance in social area, and envy and war in international field. From where come all those matters, if not from Satan’s manipulation? Truly, he is the Prince of power in this dark world.

@ I am only an ordinary man being released by God the Most High from the Communist imprisonment, like a brand plucked from the fire (Xechariah 3:2NASB).  As a refugee of the Communists I left the land of my forefathers, now I am living in exile overseas. I am tormenting for Satan has many times sifted my country, he has unsparingly and tirelessly caused dramatic scenes and terrible tragedies to our beloved nation from generations to generations.

  I am writing just for remembrance and for reminding my friends …

  The present Vietnamese Authorities are only  Satan’s faithful servants, this Demon has directed and permitted the VN Communists to deprive a man of justice  in the presence of the Most High (Lamentations 3:35 NASB).  They think that they are as right as a trivet, they will fling the truth to the ground  (Daniel 8:12).They pant after the very dust of the earth on the heads of the helpless (Amos 2:7 NASB). They are guests of a robber-hosted copious banquet, they drink a delirious booze, then they will be boozed soon and they will vomit what they have swallowed, they will fall down and shall sleep a thousand year sleep.

   I am a guy denuded of all critical ability, uncouth in political analysis, vulgar in economy and militarism. I am not a researcher of matters in the World so as to present any observations or ideas. I am not  a supporter nor an advocate of the movement of living together with the Communists for knowing the absurdity of the problem.  No compromising acts may exist among the Communists and they never show mercy or pardon to anyone even the dead in the graves.

       Do not be sad with this saying, the past of our Vietnam fatherland through the years 1945 till 1975 and up to now as you can see it. The on-going present, and maybe to later time, when you look back to yourself, how can you say without your past eye-witnessing, ear-hearing and non-comprehension? Can you really read the tea leaves? How can we have any comments on the matters that have been so secret that nobody could get access nor think about? How can we know when standing by and with what do we tell others?  The past, the present happenings we have not known totally, how can we know about the future? Then, we had better not make observations, evaluations and raise our voice…

                         PART ONE

I.          HO CHI MINH

I still remember my father’s words, saying: HO CHI MINH was the first who introduced the Communism to Vietnam to fulfill the orders of the International Communists with his Three-No Satanic doctrine. In 1920, he was one of the founders of the French Communist Party. In 1930, he was the founder of the Indochina Communist Party. He was the one who maliciously sowed the poisonous seed on the Vietnam soil, deceived the anti-French patriots and seized power on June 19, 1945 (The Viet Minh didn’t know they had been exploited)

     On September 2, 1945 he read the Declaration of Independence of the  Republic Democratic of Viet Nam.

     Knowing that the people hated the Communist regime and might come incommensurable consequences, Ho Chi Minh was making a lying promise, he solemnly declared in front of the people that he would dismiss the Communist Party of Indochina on November 11, 1945. Thereafter, a lot of people were dead because of that lying and deceiving promise.

       On March 6, 1946 Ho and the French signed an Agreement and used the French to exterminate and slay mercilessly all the patriots.

       On December 19, 1953 Ho signed the Land Reform Law from which was proceeded a brutal campaign of accusation that hundreds of thousands innocent people were accused of being landlords and slain, hundreds of thousands others were isolated, spied on and withered away and died on their native soil.

       The dead in battle are less miserable than the dead of starvation. Tightening the purse strings was the governing policy of the VN Communists. The Vietnamese people had been victims of that governing policy for long. It’s truly a cruel and barbaric ruling pattern!

      After their victory at the battle of Đien Bien Phu,  the deceptive Viet Minh was unveiled, the league should change its face and took another name. On July 20, 1954 Ho Chi Minh and the French signed the Geneva Accords dividing Viet nam in half at the 17 parallel. The North Viet Nam was in chaos, millions of people left their home, land and all possessions behind and went down to the South to escape the Communist catastrophe. For they all knew that sooner or later HCM would impose the Communism upon the North Viet Nam in pursuance of  the International Communists’commands.

    Nowadays, the Communists are still tracking the footsteps of their masters, they are struggling and killing one another for envy and greed. Actually, they discount all the sentiment of comradery they had when living side by side in the bloody and without issue war of the previous days. They didn’t care about their fellowmen’s miserable life. Oh, such is “Old Ho”, who once was called godfather of the nation! It’s he who imposed the amoral and degenerate Communism upon the heads of the docile and indulgent Vietnamese; It’s also Ho who made his people live in pain, misery and in disgrace in too many decades. How ironic and ridiculous the “to impoverish the people” doctrine is!

   Ho Chi Minh was a rogue who didn’t mind about the love for the family, the nation and for the Heavenly Father. He used his demagoguery and  the mask of “national liberation” to seduce myriads of naïve people, from intellects to vulgar people. He introduced the degenerate doctrine that lagged behind many generations of the nation, he deprived the people of human rights but his mouth always speaks loudly this slogan nothing is more precious than independence and liberty.  Betraying his own words he used several intrigues to destroy freedom, with all his evil intentions he impeded the way to God of His believers. His talent in persecuting, beating and bashing, annihilating people was impeccable.  His victims were his friends, colleagues and foes alike. His wishes were to redden in blood the Vietnamese nation with hostility under  Satan’s direction.

     When Ho Chi Minh passed away, his funeral was majestic and crowdy, there were present all kinds of people, friends and enemies, aborigines and foreigners, with free will or no. Soldiers guarded his tomb day and night. Does it seem strange to you?  A cruel and relentless guy, an evil hero in fraud and murder, in sowing terror, in killing like Ho, but the Communists praised and worshiped like an idol. It is not unusual, is it? The truth is totally hidden! How painful it is!  

      Ba Đinh, the award Satan confered to his faithul servant Ho, and currently Ho is laying immobile there, is an eloquent vestige showing that Satan blinded Ho and made him insensitive to human emotion and feeling so that he brought the evil Communism to Viet Nam and caused never-ending enmity and struggle between the North and South of Viet Nam. 

       Ho Chi Minh was only one of Satan’s servants, Ho had to carry out his Master’s plan with no wrongdoing allowed, and had Satan’s favor, but presently, Ho is only an inactive entity that remains motionless at Ba Đinh square and become an amazingly attractive object that caused the curiosity of many people in and out-country of Viet Nam. People have the opportunity to visit and contemplate a truly ugly beast that ever spread terror over the Viet Nam nation and implanted all kinds of sins and iniquities in the hearts of the people of Viet Nam.  Satan is domineering this world, he is the leader of the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. He is the sower of contention, hereditary hatred and the permanent opponent of God.

        A hatred heart is blinded before error and wrong, instead, hatred brings forth strife, strife produces war, war leads to ruin and devastation, then only seen are disorder and wicked practices, how can love and mercy be exposed?  When hatred invades human heart how can people see God’s grace and mercy ?

       Furthermore, after the Geneva Agreement was signed, many people withrew into the jungle to launch the war of Resistance, many others followed the Viet Minh to regroup into the North Viet Nam, they all were hooked and could not be released. They never knew that they were putting their heads into the running noose that the Communists had set beforehand.  Realizing that Ho Chi Minh ensnared them, they couldn’t help but endured and made themselves slaves of the Communists. Those who stayed in the South continued to be against the Republic of Viet Nam. They didn’t know that on the other side of the 17th parallel was the velvet curtain stained with blood that was covering the heads of the people of the North Viet Nam. In the free ground of the South those idiots were seeking to cause trouble, riots, demonstrations…and made fhe citizens of the South their victims and live a troublesome and chaotic life.

          Until April 30, 1975 their eyes were wide open, they could see the reality but it was too late!



      To make an echo in the world  the National Front for the Liberation of South Viet Nam, a disguise organization and the puppet of the Communists of North Viet Nam was founded at Chau Thanh (Tay Ninh) on December 20, 1960. The South Vietnam people were not able to see the real face of this organization.

The Front was the tail of the North Communists. Its specialties were using cunning, deceitful plots, bribery and subornation. They put their men in the RVN government, in the RVNAF, in the religions, in the Schools and college campuses and in the mass of the South Viet Nam. Terrorism was their active application. They disturbed the countryside, destroyed the bridges, dug the roads, laid ambush, sniped, set bomb, and performed all kinds of bombarding and killing.

       The peasants were subject to  threats and deception. They were compelled to supply food and to dig the trenches to protect and to conceal the VC cadres in order to live a calm life. How many people were forced to work for the Viet Cong and to live a miserable and unfortunate life. The VC constantly disturbed and divided people.  They created discord between the Buddhists and Catholics leading to a conflict between them (1963). Taking advantage of that occasion the Viet Cong induced the students to perform uprising, demonstrations in order to make the society more chaotic. The government of the Republic of Viet Nam in the South was meeting with many difficulties. The South Vietnam people were living in insecure conditions and had no more joy!  The liberty, independence and democracy pictures of that time were blackened by the press and media, darker and darker. The people had to face with furious waves of Communist storm coming up.

        After April 30, 1975 the North Communists dismissed the National Front for Liberation of the South. The Front failed to keep its entity and lost its influence forever; the “victorious”  National Front’s flag went into the Communist dump

quicker than one could imagine! The Front was like rice husk and gone with the wind. How many people were beating their breast and harboring hatred in the heart!


      In 1945 (At Dau year) the North Viet Nam had a famine because of the brutal and stern administration of the Japanese. The people starved to death were numbered to millions. The white flag with the red sun in the middle was no longer seen flying in the sky.  Giving up to the Allied Powers the Japenese made off and went home.  Anew, the tricolor, blue, white and red flag was flying over. In 1948, the yellow and three red stripes flag was flying over the streets in the cities and towns. “The flag of the nation,” my father said. I asked my father about the signification of the flag. He answered me: “the red and yellow symbolise the blood and skin of the Vietnamese. The three stripes are the emblems of the three regions North, Center and South of Viet Nam.” “Who was that smart and intelligent designer, Dad?” I asked my father one more time. My father shook his head, answered me: “Perhaps the French governed our nation a long time, they understood our customs and habits in every region, they knew that our people didn’t want to sit down together, therefore they designed three parallel stripes.

The parallel lines never meet!”

      Asking about the Viet Minh flag, my father explained me: Ho Chi Minh followed the Communism, of course he affliliated himself with the International Communist Party. The red and yellow star flag is the child flag, begotten from the father flag which is the USSR’s, the master flag is the flag of Red China. The red and the yellow star flag had the hammer and the sickle as a camouflage to blind people’s eyes. The hammer stands for the industrial working class and the sickle stands for the agricultural workers. To tell the truth, the hammer is used to pound the heads and the sickle to cut the necks of the innocent people. Later, as his expectations have been met and to show his demagoguery, Ho Chi Minh eliminated the hammer and the sickle. The red and yellow star was flying high over in the cheers of the Communists and in the silent spite of the common people.


    Hearing a friend of mine confide in me: “Owing to the Viet Minh winning over the French in the battle of Đien Bien Phu our people have no longer been submissive to the Colonialism domination, otherwise, might be today…” I smiled. I took the Bible and read him a verse: the whole world lies in the power  of the evil one (1 John 5:19 NASB) and another one: Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both good and ill go forth? (Lam. 3:38 NASB). He understood that I didn’t tell my own idea, he skipped and smiled.

     Because of the Chinese overpopulation, they often applied the human wave attack in war by using the soldiers as stoppers to shut the loopholes. Vo Nguyen Giáp had a Chinese General named Wei Gouqing as his master and military advisor.  As did their masters, the Viet Cong’s war tactics was bombarding first, assault after. The Viet Minh overflowed and assaulted Dien Bien Phu after intensive bombardings over the heads of their enemies. It is worth to say that both sides were engaging in severe combat but unexpectedly the French soldiers had to put down their arms, nobody knew where the commands came from. The French was defeated, the dream of establishing a Colonialist government was melting like wax touching fire. The French left, the American came and helped the South Viet Nam re-organise the nation just as they helped Israel rebuild the nation in 1948, and …Taiwan in 1949.

       Satan got in the way of the French by using Dien Bien Phu as a first testing place to deprive the French of their influences in Indochina; he re-installed a new deployment of the Armies and made use of the Geneva Conventions to divide Viet Nam into two, officially and legitimately. The North Viet Nam was awarded to Ho Chi Minh, a capable servant of his, who had full of experiences, skill in ruse and ploy, competence in creating separation and mutual antipathy. Ho met Satan’s purposes – wanting people to deny God – and requirements for war and competition.


   At the end of the 19th Century with their enhancing powers the Japan invaded and ruled Taiwan about a half of Century. The Japan surrendered the Allied Powers in August 1945.  Mao Tse Tung possessed the China Mainland and became the leader of the Chinese Communist Party. Mao was dreaming of taking up Taiwan, a small island lying next to the Mainland.

     Defeated by Mao, Chiang Kai Shek ran into Taiwan and with the support of the U.S. he founded the Republic of China in 1949.

      Everyday Kinmen and Matsu Islands received volleys of cannonballs coming from the Mainland. Mao’s dream of capturing Taiwan never was realized, just because Chiang Kai Shek’s wife was a Christian, a child of God, and the daughter of an evangelist, used to be a student from the United States. They all were children of the Heavenly Father, how might Satan be against them as God’s children?  The Bible says: he  who was born of God keeps him, and the evil one does not teach him (1John 5:18 NASB).

      I think you can know the reasons why our nation is still living in inhuman treatment and in abject poverty under the Communist yoke; just because our hearts were the permanent shelter of aversion and hatred and our people don’t bear to know that the Heavenly Father from above had been looking down upon us.

    As the human hearts cannot bear to let evil go (Job 20:13 NASB) hatred still abounds, there is no room for mercy but envy. Men’s heart always harbors hatred, contention and strife, strife is like letting out water (Prov. 17:14 NASB), how can we see a peaceful scene in our country so that we could live?


           6. ISRAEL

    Israel is like limbs that are dry and broken off and women come and make fires with them. For they are not people of discernment, therefore their Maker will  not have  compassion on them. And their Creator will not be gracious to them. And it will come about in that day,that  the Lord will start His threshing from the flowing stream of the Euphrates to the brook  of Egypt;  and you  will be gathered up one by one, O sons of Israel (Isaiah 27:11-12 NASB).

      Israelites behaved in accordance with the customs and habits taken from the gentiles and non-Jewish nations, they denied the Heavenly Father, worshiped idols and bowed down to inanimate objects.  They violated God’s commandment: You shall not make for yourself an idol,or any likeness of what is  in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God (Exodus 20:4-5 NASB).

     For that reason, Israel was divided into two kingdoms, Israel (North) and Judah (South), that were successively delivered to the Assyrian, Babylonian and Roman Empire for having a lesson of obedience.

        @ The Assyrian Empire (900-607 BC) captured Israel in 721 BC and obliged Judah to pay tribute.

         @ The Babylonian Empire (606-536 BC) sieged and destroyed Jerusalem in 606 BC, in 597 BC and in 586 BC, its total destruction and desolation.

          @ The Medo-Persian Empire (536-330 BC): The Jewish captives were allowed to return to  Jerusalem and to rebuild the Temple.

           @ The Roman Empire (146 BC- 476 AD) Israel suffered a deadly blow in 70 AD, the nation went to ruin and desolation. After more than eighteen centuries of wandering around the world Israelites returned to their native soil, and with the assistance of the US they rebuilt the nation in May 14, 1948.

        Is Israel the stronghold to guard the oil pouch of the Middle East?

        Why do the US have to help Israel exist will all their willingness and efforts?  By contrast, they let the RVN collapse on April 30, 1975, the nation that they once considered as an outpost against the Communism ?!!!

        After many decades of living and rebuilding the nation, Israel was attacked by the Arab bloc (Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq) simultaneously and vehemently, the US responded at once by establishing an airlift for assistance and made the Arab block relinquish.

      Readers, would you like to know the reasons why the US have the obligation to help Israel? Here are some taken from the Bible:

       @ Israel, whom I have chosen (Isaiah 44:1 NASB)

       @ Behold, they shall come from afar; and lo, they will come  from the North, and from the West, and from the land  of Sinim (Isaiah 49:12 NASB).

       @ If anyone fiercely assails  you  it will not be from Me; whoever assails  you will fall because of  you (Isaiah 54:15NASB)

       @ Israel was holy to the Lord, the first fruits of His harvest; all who ate of it became guilty, evil came upon  them, declares the Lord (Jeremiah 2:3 NASB)

       @ For the nation and kingdom which will not serve you will perish; and the nations will be utterly ruined (Isaiah 60:12NASB)

       @ It shall not be plucked up, or overthrowm anymore forever (Jeremiah 31:40 NASB)

    Thus, you  may know the reasons why the US are required to help Israel, helping Israel is the responsibility of the US because they respond to the biblical teachings. The Bible is the foundation the US should be based upon for the government of the nation. The founding fathers of the nation have known where their power and strength come from, and they have acknowledged God  Almighty.

       For the Lord of hosts  has planned, and who can frustrate it?

       And as for His  stretched- out hand,  who can turn it back? (Isaiah 14:27NASB)

 This is the necessary condition: The US is obliged to assist Israel because of the existence of itself.

       Let’s reconsider our nation then and now. Viet Nam is always boasting that we had a four-thousand-year culture and our ancestors were descendants of the dragon and the fairy. Nonetheless, the Bible says: The dragon, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives  the whole world (Revelation 12:9 NASB). The dragon is a beast, the Holy Bible says,  is it true that our ancestors were descendants of a beast? Then, no wonder why the April 30, 1975 happened.

     The Bible says further: The fear of the Lord is His treasure (Isaiah 33:6 NASB)

If our nation knew the Holy Bible, if they appreciated the Creator of the Universe and His teachings, should we have needed the US aids? Should we have left the country and lived in exile and a refugee life? Should we have fatigued in taking to the streets, in demonstrations and in calling for actions against the Communists like now?

        The Bible reminds us: Know therefore and see that it is evil and bitter for you to forsake the Lord your God, and the dread of Me is not in you (Jeremiah 2:19 NASB)


    Satan used the Republic of Viet Nam like a pawn in a chessboard. Satan allowed the RVN to live a time and then expelled it from the World map. Satan was aware of the fact that  in life unless men faced adversity and had enemies, they would know nothing about fighting or competition. Living always in peace and tranquility with full joy people wouldn’t realize what others needed.  Satan was the master sower of hatred in human hearts. Contention and war would take place when men’s hearts were filled with anger and resentment. In war and struggle everything failed them, they even ignored  the One Who richly supplies us with all things  to enjoy (1 Timothy 6:17 NASB). The people of the South never knew how cynical and bitter the Communist savors really were, and profitant that ignorance Satan set up several traps for them to be caught in. Nevertheless, the North Viet Nam emigrating to the South understood perfectly and clearly how the Communists were.  Therefore, Satan set up his ready plan because the South Viet Nam didn’t worhip God and didn’t bow down to their Creator.

         In order to hold back the Communists Satan had to help the Republic of Viet Nam re-organize the nation. He began to equip the South with training officiers and unused weapons in stock in the warehouse ( of discarded types ). Later, Satan knew  that the South could not resist the North by themselves, he helped them with human powers. In 1965, he let the US and the Allied Forces engage in the war against the North.  As expected, Satan reaped a big crop in implanting discontent, hatred and hostilities in the heart and mind of the Vietnamese people. 

   At Mau Than Tet, the Viet Cong overwhelmingly assaulted the cities and towns of the South. The Vietnamese people were greatly shocked by that event.  How painful it was!  How barbaric and bestial the Communists were!  At Hue city, the Viet Cong massacred thousands and thousands of innocent citizens (striking heads, burying alive). The relatives of the deceased and missing were in search for the dead bodies in the mass graves with tears streaming down on their cheeks while the press and media shut up like clams.

        Ho chi Minh’s general offensive failed and the VC cadres of the North died in great number. Ho was desperate and his rancor became more effervescent than ever. Ho made up his mind to send more troops to the South so as to fill in the vacant positions of the deceased. Unable to realize his ambitious dream, Ho should die one year after. Ho left an unclean and odious heritage to his disciples who continued to lead their citizens into the path of death.

      On the other hand, knowing the bravery and the fight qualification of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Viet Nam, Satan began to provide for the South Viet Nam Armies new war tools like M16, tanks M48, F5E jet…so that he could be spectator of a decisive and deadly battle stage on which the South and the North were actors.

     Once again, a fierce war occurred in the South Viet Nam in Summer 1972. Undescriptable! Inestimable! How many people were laid down and died! Everywhere was in flood with blood and tears. The hatred was rising like cascade among people of both regions.  Feeding rancor in heart, the North Viet Nam were determined to invade and devour the South as revenge for the failure of the Mau Than offensive. In response, the South Viet Nam got prepared, they were ready to defend and offend with restitution in the heart of every solidier of the ARVN. Satan knew for sure he would earn a big profit that time because both sides were caught in his trap. He also knew clearly that no one could take the retaliation spirit away once it was stuck firmly in human heart.

    The Bible says: They are bronze and iron; they, all of them, corrupt. The bellows blow fiercely,the lead is consumed by the fire; In vain the refining goes on, but the wicked are not separated (Jeremiah 6:28-29 NASB).

        Something more to say, the diplomat Kissinger, a Jewish American, clandestinely met with the North Viet Nam Communists at Paris in France. He was bargaining privately and secretly with Lê Đức Thọ a commissioner of the Communist Politburo.  He revealed to the Red China the American plan of unilateral withdrawal from Viet Nam in 1971. He was also the forerunner who paved the way for the President Nixon’s journey to China in 1972. He settled many agreements and exchanges with the North Viet Nam Communists and signed the Paris treaty on January 27, 1973 for a cease-fire in South Viet Nam (the US and the Allied Forces withdrew and came home and the North Viet Nam Communists returned to the North…). What could Kissinger do by himself?

    After March 1973, when the US and the Allied Forces withdrew their troops out of the South Viet Nam, the North Viet Nam Communists received from the Communist bloc and their tributary a great quantity of weapons and from  the profusion of those war tools they proceeded another deadly offensive so as to terminate the existence of the Republic of Viet Nam.

     The North Viet Nam Communists used up their  manpower by training their new enlistments hurriedly and in a short time in order to send to the South. The 559 Transport group moved back and forth night and day . The HCM trails were wide open. The images of the flying B52 enormous eagles were no more seen in the sky. Instead, the SAM missiles were haughtily flying overhead and parallel to the Viet Cong troops in direction of the South beneath.

       The US aids were cut off, the South Viet Nam was in danger, they didn’t receive any other assistance. Their friends didn’t care, no country came to help for many reasons.

       On April 22, 1975 the US forced President Nguyen Van Thieu to resign. Thieu said good-bye to his compatriots and left the power with a bleeding heart.

      At ten AM of April 30, 1975 the Republic of Viet Nam collapsed and ceased breathing.

       April 30, 1975 was the day that the South Viet Nam was mourning for their children. It was the day that marked an end and a beginning. It was the day that the strife changed its form. It was the retaliation day. It was the day that absurdity transformed. It was the regime-changing day; it was the day of flag-changing. It was the day the blind could see, the deaf could hear. It was the day the haughty laugh was mixed with the cry of sadness. It was the day no-ending chaos exploded. Everything was melting.  Everything was scattering like a thatched hut facing the tornado.



     The Communists are inhuman, they always hide their iniquity  in their bossom (Job 31:33 NASB), they are experts and masters in persecution, robbery, merciless killing, conspiracism, hypocrisy, unforgiveness, insensibility, selfishness, greediness, haughtiness, contention, arrogance, dissidence, schism, skepticism, snobism, lying, boasting, ungratefulness, treachery, defying one’s own life, incest, immorality, disregard for human life, dishonor and opposition to parents.

      From the day April 30, 1975 on, the real face of the VN Communist Party has been exposed and everybody in the country and all over the world could see and know exactly how demonic and devilish the Communists are.

    The Communists have been practicing the three-no doctrine and saying that there is no God. The Bible says: The fool has said in his heart, there is no God (Psalms 53:1NASB) and every man is stupid, devoid of knowledge (Jeremiah 10:14 NASB). Being foolish, senseless and without knowledge as they have been, how can the Communists have a thinking or a thought about the family, about the nation? How can they know there is a God above their head, the One in whose hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind (Job 12:10 NASB) 

        The Vietnamese Communists have been arrogantly challenging God and teaching men to live far from the divine truth, they used Ho’s depraved thoughts to contaminate the mind and soul of the people.

        The Communists have ruled their people harshly and brutally. They have fed their soldiers and their men of Security and secret services with violence and employed gangsters to terrorize, to oppress and to intimidate their fellow citizens. The Communists obliged their citizens to eat the bread of privation  and drink the water of oppression (Isaiah 30:20 NASB) and they took blood to build hamlets and evil to construct cities and towns.

       Why is that brutal way of ruling still existing? The Communists still live because ungodliness and unrighteousness are not extirpated from human hearts. Our evil hearts never stop growing, they are richly blooming and bearing fruit in our country and throughout the world. The more evil abounds in our heart, the more the Communism will grow stronger in our country and elsewhere.

     I read some Scriptures for you: Why do the wicked still live, continue on, also become very powerful? Their descendants are established with them in their sight, and  their offspring before their eyes. Their houses are safe from fear, neither is the rod of God on them. His ox mates without  fail; His cow calves and does not abort.They send  forth their little ones like the flock; and their children skip about. They sing to the timbrel and harp and rejoice at the sound of the flute. They spend their days in prosperity and suddenly they go down to Sheol (Job 21: 7-13 NASB).

      Based on that thought many people willingly enlist themselves to be the Communism disciples and to be in service for the Communist Party, faithfully to the extent that they have abnegated their egos and blindly implemented their tasks given. Satan has dominated and blinded their conscience.  As materialism matters, those people no longer know anything about morality, they have kept themselves away from God and do not call on Him for help annihilate all wickedness in their heart. They continue to keep for themselves hatred that Satan has been in need to separate men from the love of God.

      Our nation was a gift of Satan given to the Communists, therefore they can do everything they want. They  have abolished the Cross, from the North to the South of Viet Nam, they have encouraged the artists to make graven images of the dragon and let them exposed on hill tops, inside of  pagodas, in communal houses, in small shrines and even on the arches they  have made on festival days. The Communists have led their people to the path of death by challenging God and His love.

     With hatred in heart men had foolish acts, the Communists have excavated the graves annoying the peace of the dead and not letting them rest. Cemeteries were destroyed, or let in ruin and in devastation.  Perfidy has been held tight in their lips, no way for it to be off. They do not stop persecuting, imprisoning and assassinating the defenders of human rights, they send out the Resolution Thirty Six  (Thirty Six  Streets and Guilds ?)  to seduce the in-country residents and the refugees of the Communists living abroad.

       During the years of war the Vietnamese people have been experiencing so many national vicissitudes.  Painful scenes have appeared before people’s eyes everyday. People could see the dirty truth the Communists have used in their ruling since the birth of the so-called Viet Minh in 1945.  Presently, we are still seduced by the sweet- like- honey invitation of the Communists that would have killed millions of lives. 

      Unfortuately, a number of the Vietnamese people are not able to quit their idiocy, they cannot cure their addiction of the Communism leaven to the extent that they boldly reject and deny their identity of 1975 runaway and refugee to be willingly and arrogantly responding to the Communist deception and lie as did the VN patriots in the years of 1945. Really, history is repeating its course!

      The Communists’ contention never ceases, everyday they share  with one another the possessions plundered, they take advantage of the nostalgia and the love for the country of the runaways and refugees living in exile overseas. They continue to throw dust in the people’s eyes, they set up recreation and entertainment programs to entice the expatriate like us, they want us to forget our affliction for being away from our  fatherland, they want us to forget our self that is always in need of God’s salvation and forgiveness from our Heavenly Father.

     Satan employs the Communists to bind men in a variety of forms, with many artifices, to snatch freedom that is happiness in life that God has given to mankind. How to escape Satan’s trap? How to shatter the shackles of the Communists? Satan has deceived the Vietnamese people. … he has tied them up firmly.

      Who can abate, uproot  or expel the Communists out of the VN territory?

      Should we bow our head and let evil cleave our life at all times? Should we not call on God and rely upon Him? If not, how can the Vietnamese people evade the Communist brutal powers and Satan’s yoke? How can we do with our empty hands and void mind?

     Should we bend our knees before the images of inanimate objects, implore them to help us be released from the Communist shackles and Satan yoke? Such behavior will irritate God once again.

     Only God is the One Who knows clearly that your  end has come, and the measure of your end (Jeremiah 51:13 NASB); it’s also Him Who declares: I shall make what he has swallowed come out of his mouth (Jeremiah 51:44 NASB) and I shall serve them their banquet and make them drunk, that they may become jubilant and may sleep a perpetual sleep and not wake up (Jeremiah 51:39 NASB).

       Draw near to God and He will draw  near to you…Be miserable and mourn and weep (James 4:8-9 NASB).

        The Lord Jesus Christ also said: Apart from Me you can do nothing (John 15:5 NASB)

         I clothe the heavens  with blackness and I make sackcloth their covering (Isaiah 50:3NASB).


      Chen-le and Champa have been erased from

+ the world map, what are remaining? Only remaining are desolate Cham towers, exposed under the sun and rain and standing isolated on the VN soil. The old vestiges proved that the Cham had plenty of graven images and worshiped them as gods. They rejected God Almighty, they were being devoted in their idiocy because Satan had blinded their heart and managed them to worship idols that everybody knew they were breathless and worthless but only graven images which deceived people. Their descendants whose names were changed are still remaining as living witnesses in the land of their forefathers and as the minority of the nation.

   God’s words teach us: Turn now every man from his evil way, and amend your deeds, and do not go after other gods to worship them, then you shall dwell in the land which I have given to you and to your forefathers (Jeremiah 35:15 NASB).

10. The Story of Satan

Satan summoned a secret meeting with his staff. At the onset, he ordered his subordinates to spare Israel due to MASTER’s prohibition,1 he had to comply with it absolutely. Looking at the world map in front of him and well scrutinizing, finally he picked up Vietnam.

       He raised his voice: “German, Italy, and Japan are considered as being  already broken up. Now there are only two blocs: the Communism and  the Free World. It’s easy! The French have spent  US money, have their part in Dien Bien Phu, and they seem to be tired and exhausted now, so they must be off. The people of the North, the Center and the South VN cannot put up with one another, they have no solidarity, so they must have a lesson from us to learn. Let the American come in and separate them in two sides, so that they can make war with each other. While producing the new weapons we give the South Vietnam some old which are still in stock so that they can use them up for us and through this transaction we may have some profit.”

      “The North Vietnam  has been assigned to the Communist bloc (the URSS, Red China and the tributary countries) and the South Vietnam has been ascribed to the Free  World (the US and its Allies); the 17th parallel was like the throat; if we cut it off, the North Communists cannot penetrate the South and then, how can our weapons be used up?  Impossible!

        Hearing this, a henchman said: “ How about the Geneva treaty? How about  the general election if it should be carried out? Satan smiled and unhurriedly replied: “Erasing will be the best way.” 

        The meeting became exciting and enthusiastic with many ideas. The fate of the RVN Government has been put in the scale to see which side will  prevail.

         “Priority is the conveyance of the weapons to the South! Negotiating with Laos and Cambodia, giving them some in order to make use of their borders for avoiding to go deep into the mainland, they would be surely satisfied. The US had their men available for repatriation and they would be in charge of setting up of a government in the Republic of Vietnam (the First Republic). That’s the first stage, it is supposed to be done.”

         The next meeting seemed improving. Many proposals have been reviewed, “the weapons supplied to the North must be modern, as many as possible to urge the leaders of the free world engage into the battle, otherwise, we surely incur losses!”

       Satan set up the plan perfectly, he let down the leading man of the RVN because that guy got in his way. Exactly as expected, the leader of the free world

went to Vietnam without any obstacle.

      The URSS, the Red China and their tributary countries with all their efforts provided an immense quantity of weapons for the North Viet Nam. Ho chi Minh satisfied with the weapons obtained signed right away a decree for general mobilization and sent his troops to the South.

         The US found a second guy and the Second Republic was established. They furnished the RVN  with new and modern weapons so that they could fight against the North Communists. And the life-and-death struggle between both sides  increased its intensity. All kinds of weapons were brought  into use in the war.

       Satan disclosed a secret to his staff: “I understand very well that both sides – the Communist world and the free world – are fighting for their supremacy. In this fight they have the chance to show their power. The North Communists want to consummate entirely the South and then, they have to agree with any conditions provided a great quantity of weapons willl be in Ho’s hands so that he can realize his dream. The US have all their power to win the war but I have another strategy! The Master allowed me to have all dominion over this world and in the heavenly realms with a recommendation from Him not to harm His children, I must obey and dare not do against His command.” 2

        Satan spoke in a roundabout way and didn’t say about his secret, the whole staff became excited since they wanted to know the truth. He smiled and said:“The problem is simple. I send my man to France, he will call for both sides to sit down and discuss about the cease-fire and the question will be dealt. Let the US come home and relax for a while and then I shall make another  arrangement. I know that the North Vietnam Communist  have many artifices and I let them take possession of the South Vietnam; and when they have swallowed the South they will see that it is impossible for them to vomit. They will pay back to their brothers the capital and interest of the finance and materials they borrowed. To solve this problem, I think, sooner or later they will ask help from the US their old enemy.”  

         Satan continued: “ It’s easy for me to act because Vietnam is not the MASTER’s child, the Red China as well. If the money problem is not settled once for all, many stories will happen, my dears. Surely you understand what I am saying?”

           Everyone in his staff seemed entirely half-witted. The meeting room being stirred up became suddenly mute, they heard Satan disclose his secret: “The North Vietnam Communists have been provided with all kinds of weapons except one thing (?). The RVN organized many units save one (?) If the foreign aids are cut off, one of them should show his hands to be chained. The war was over as such!

           Now I let you know this “missed thing,” the thing should be thought of but both sides didn’t do, that’s it!” All the staff didn’t know what their boss said, they looked at one another with their head shaken and the long sighs. It’s very mysterious to them. Nobody understood what the “missed thing” was about.

@ In a celebration party Satan inquired his subordinates about what was the “lack” of the North (Communist) and the South (RVN) in the past war. No one knew how to answer! Satan chuckled, with a peace of mind knowing that his secrets were not yet exposed. He emptied his glass of liquor, and stood up, promising to reveal to his staff his plan performed in Vietnam in the past,  now and in the future. Hearing this promise everybody was eagerly longing for the next meeting.


   With the same World map of the preceeding meeting, Satan recounted: “I have the intention to leave some countries for the Communist Bloc (such as  Red China, Vietnam, North Korea and Cuba) to make some profit for myself. Our assorted weapons have been manufactured just  for  testing, nobody knew exactly what kinds they were.  And now all the warehouses  are full, we must search for market to dispense them all in order to have more room for the newcoming ones. We have to blind the human hearts, make them foes to one another, thus they should find the opportunity for the warfare. We would harvest big from it!”

“Previously I played a nasty trick on the International Communists that might be painful and unforgotten for them. I used a big-league guy with his One-World-ism as gentle as a lullaby for those who heard it.  In the present days, to my view, the Vietnamese Communists are still enthusiastic with this damn three- no theorie!  It makes me so happy!  They know nothing about our strength and weakness. With them the Communism only matters, as long as it still exists they will have the chance to plunder their people. They are not aware of the MASTER’s command: all the illegal profits should be returned  and the maker can’t enjoy nothing therefrom.

      Because when the unjust and ill-gotten wealth is in hands, their conscience will go away. Actually, how wise the Eastern Communist block was! They wisely change direction!  When the water stream is limpid everything therein shall be clearly seen, but no one can see as the water is troubled. The European Common Market with their eurozone money sooner or later will be staggering like a boat encountering the great waves, or like a log flowing up and down in water.”

Satan spoke in a roundabout way without reaching the point he had promised to his staff and his men began to be fidgety. Satan gave an appeasing smile he ever had and explained: “I don’t talk about World War One or World War Two, not necessary now! I don’t want to speak of the “Freedom” and “Communist” bloc that bored people as well ! I only like to tell about the Vietnam War of the other days: whereas the one side was lack of “bombs”  was it necessary for the other side to ask for “canons and artillery?” At Dien Bien Phu I let Viet Minh win the battle, perhaps you guy didn’t understand my scheme, did you? Fighting don’t need conventions nor regulations, nor tolerance but the have-to’s: if you want to have some moment to relax but make profit, you have to plan for  the future. Not only should the losers quit with resignation and hatred in hearts but the winners had no good fate as well. Who could escape from my hands but the MASTER”S children? Satan also quoted the Words of The Scripture: “Money can provide all.”

With the briefing stick in hands, Satan looked at the Vietnam map and indicated the geographic name Khe Sanh asking: “The flying distance from there to Hanoi and from there to Guam, you guy try to compare their difference and let me know with your idea…” The whole conference hall seemed noisily insistent, the attendants looked at each other with head shaking since they didn’t know what Satan wanted them to say about. With an inherent smile, Satan revealed: “With the Khe Sanh battle alone we gained much !  Was it that when having no bombs people should surrender?  Anyway, I let the North Vietnam Communist win over the South Vietnam because I knew that the immoderately greedy persons ought to be docile and easily controlled and directed. Just give them the booze and you can have what you desire. Once being boozed up they’d surely fall and lie motionless!     

       Satan resumed: “Let the VN Communist Party enjoy the exclusive control for a while because I understand them very well: their narrow mind, their  superficial knowledge, their proficiency in evil treachery, their skillfulness in using cunning and unethical means and their love and reverence for their idol that is the Communism. Besides, family and motherland are nothing for them.  All they have to do up front are drawing as many projects as possible to blind the eyes… and to have the opportunity to transfigure the so-called dictatorship of the Proletariat into realistic Red Capitalists. My next step is commanding them to eradicate all the Montagnards living along the Truong Son mountain range and along the VN-China border. Their  faults are knowing  perfectly their motherland where they live and die, their attachment to it and their responsibility to defend it and they all are my MASTER’s children.  I want my plan to be easily done now and to morrow.”

      A subordinate raised his voice after listening: “To ease our action let’s organize them in zigzag form.  Assigning the policemen, the gangsters and mobsters in the midst of the mass…Allowing the coming in and going out of the Red Chinese and letting them stay and live together with the aboriginal people; in doing so we are preparing for our cause and react rapidly just in case. And about the projects, the Highway and the High-speed rairoad should be performed as quickly as possible. The other projects could be dependable, it’s OK. We must stir up the intense hatred of the Vietnamese people they had toward the VN Communist Party, and consequently those people will stand up because as long as the Chinese Communist still exist, the Red Chinese will feel free to go in and out of the VN frontier to control the VN soil and assimilate the VN people…Thus it will take a long time, hence our weaponry in store will be piled up and we have no way to dispense them, the loss will be ours!”

     Another subordinate exposes his ideas: “The VN people love their country and their fellow countrymen, but with their out-of-date and unusable three-decade weaponry , how can they engage in a war and defend themselves from their aggressive, imperialist and bully brother from the North? If they want to have more modern weaponry to be compatible to the fight, how can they have a way? Evidently there is no way with the US because the American are not allowed to sell weaponry to the Communist, hence I think that the best policy is to let the VN Communist retire!”     

   Hearing this, Satan burst out laughing. He striked the table to make sign to everybody to listen to his announcement of his decision: “MASTER is the Lord Almighty and Sovereign, He has allowed me to have in my palms the world and  the heavenly realms on the air but once His commands are given they should be done and done right, no mistake is allowed.

       The Vietnamese didn’t know that I am the dragon, didn’t they?  The dragon is me by origin, I am God’s creation in Eden, the Lord’s garden, and… the Guardian Angel. I did have neither offsprings nor descendants. What an excessive and false claim ! If one day the VN people find out whom their original forefathers are, they will repent and come to trust the MASTER, taking Him for refuge and then I must give up and quit !”     

    During the break Satan left his staff and one of his subordinates stood up and spoke freely with his own ideas: “There’s no saying with us, nevertheless every man cannot live long after one hundred  years of age!  Almost all the generation of the Communists who have proudly boasted themselves to be the pinnacle of human intelligence  should die, the next generation with their illegal material heritage in possession, without minding any rules and laws they  will act with their free will and  tear apart the nation regardless the protest and opposition of their  fellow citizens. Following the path of their predecessors those malicious folks can never be indifferent to the wealth inherited but keep on enjoying the riches and wealth plundered in spite of the debt burden they have left to the plebeians and their offsprings !  And…Red China has become their god !  Such is the leadership of the VN Communist Party, why do we keep silent and do nothing in the moment like this?”   

      “We must wait for the commands of the leader.” 

      The bell rang, the conference resumed. Satan took his seat, all the staff were listening to a subordinate who presented his question:

       “In 1958, to be able to get the Red Chinese weaponry, in form of debt payment in advance, one of the leaders in the Central Committee of the Communist Party signed a diplomatic note to the Red China recognizing the Paracel and Spratly Islands, which were under the sovereignty of the Republic of Vietnam, as their own territories. What a bizarre and unprecedented form of debt payment in human history ! Why did the Red China consent and accept? How strange it is!  

        “The sea territorial tensions and conflicts are exploding and expanding. The 1958 document is still there, in the hands of the Red Chinese!  How can the Red Vietnamese respond to their brothers? In fact, the people living under the Communist regime are standing up and claiming that the sovereignty of the sea and island territories are the VN nation’s and their people. When the VN Communist Party is defeated, is still valuable this black and white sheet of paper?”  

         Satan rose and announced: “The meeting ends up. You guy, do not bother whether it is still valuable or not. I will have the last word.  MASTER has given me all the authority over this world and I will act as I see fit.” 

@ Coming back to his private room with his persistent thinking Satan spoke to himself: “For clarifying all unnecessary query I shall let my men know a little about my identity and my plan I have been making so far!  I will select some faithful guys of my staff and offered them a copious meal, and I try to inquire them about some matters that they might give me some worthy and helpful ideas in return!”  From the bottom of his heart Satan knew very well that the truth can never be hidden but sooner or later it will be uncovered. With this idea in mind he felt secure to perform his plan of eating and talking over the world affairs with his disciples.

       All his loyal confidants were on the list – those who shook the earth and made kingdom tremble – they would have a good appetite. At the meal Satan stood up and recounted all his past: “Having a good favor from the MASTER, I walked among the fiery stones in the garden of Eden, the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty, and blameless in my ways. I said in my heart, I will ascend to heaven, I will raise my throne above the stars of God. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High. As soon as the idea came into being in my head with no turning into action, MASTER discovered and expelled me from the garden”…A servant wants to be equal to his MASTER!

          “Anyway, I have the right to destroy this world, I have the authority to control everything in the limit the MASTER licensed me. I expect that you all be aware of your position, listen very carefully and carry out accurately all plan and program given, set apart and do not touch any chosen people, races and nations of the MASTER although they are against us. Never think that the MASTER know not and disregard His command, the consequences shall be inestimable! Our destiny is already disposed, we have no words!”

        With a long breathing of disappointment Satan resumed his speech: “However, I still have my ability to sow the toxic seeds of doubt, hatred in human hearts and once they sprout, take root, bud, blossom and give fruit, -  the profit will be considerable - -- and we have it all in our hands. But sometimes, the MASTER dislikes, I should give up and get nothing. With a few words I think you all understand me.” In reality, nobody in his staff could comprehend what his point was.   Then he continued to tell story:“There was an eagle that built nest in the treetop. From his nest he directed his view far away, he looked on the air, he looked upon the ground, he looked deeply in the ocean with his prey-seeking eyes. His two strong and wide-expanding wings motivated him to fly freely everywhere on the air. His solid and sharp claws made him the protector of himself and the prey-chaser for his eaglets feeding. He was excessively intelligent since he knew very well that the MASTER was fond of him and protected him everyday in the absolute security, so he didn’t have to fear or worry. I wanted to be like him but it was impossible to me !” Hearing this charabia his men were struck dumb and looked at each other  with a long breath. They didn’t know what their boss said really.    

           Satan laughed reluctantly, he told another story, “The head of the Freedom bloc possessing tons and tons of solid gold and as pledge, countless IN GOD WE TRUST banknotes are printed and abound in the world market and their countlessness renders their maker constantly  the most eminent. Many times I made up lots of schemes to abate and decrease the value of this currency and to be wiped out from the world market but I failed and I had to give up finally.  I also proposed the use of a new currency in place of the dollar currency but my designs were killed from the start and my dream never be realized.  Many people cried and died miserably,  many countries were under trying conditions, afflicted, non-supportive and ceased to exist because of missing the dollar back up, this is still a fact !” 

       Feeling the stuffy air in the room, Satan changed his subject, he spoke of the war topic: “Anybody who walked ouside, and It rained suddenly, they had no umbrella, no raincoat, and then did they have to use their hands to cover their head and their face and run as fast as possible to find a shelter? In the instance of running rapidly away from the rain would anybody have any intention to contemplate other things? In the dry seasons would people expect the rain? Would they be happy and no more worry when it was raining?”  The whole conference room remained silent and listened to the boss’s explanation:

      “In the war, bombs should be abounded (of various kinds) to overcome the enemy. Bombs would be dropped from above and overhead like pepper spray and  being incapable to put up with the bombs the enemy would raise their hands for surrender? The belligerent Japanese had to bear the hotness of two atomic bombs and they ought to raise their hands and no more rule the roost!  With the unawareness factor the Israelites gave the Arabian bloc a preemptive strike with bombardment and they also prevailed ! About the Vietnam War story two bombs being dropped overhead the Communist troops at Xuan Loc and caused the pop-off of one division. I am about to tell the account and you guy give me your idea. If the USA consented to bomb Dien Bien Phu would people remember anything about General Vo Nguyen Giap?

      The plan should be kept secret and it be performed in due time. Being defeated the French had to make off. Viet Minh captured two personages: Ta thu Thau and Ngo Dinh Diem, one was sentenced to death and the other left alive. Were bombs a decisive factor of victory or defeat in the battlefield?  The North Communist also had the opportunity to experience the power of bombs and had already been victimized by those explosive devices and they were on the brink of giving up... but I didn’t want to lose loyal servants like them. I wanted them to accomplish their role on the stage, they had to end their play to the final scene… I knew perfectly their double-tongued behavior, their ungratefulness and their competency in being disloyal to their teachers and traitorous to their friends… and…their capture of the South Vietmam was also a design of mine, and in that volatile victory  they would fall into the abyss of resentment dug by their people and we will wait and see.”

            With a sip of liquor Satan continued: “The heads of the Communist Party are getting hold of a great wealth they sacked and will not think about anything else.  They will take advantage of the power they have in their hands to search for more wealth to satisfy their covetousness. The nation is in great debt on a daily basis for their robbery of the national treasure but they don’t care and they are not silly enough to think about paying it back.  The motto “Eat and Run” is always in their heart and mind,  it is also their reason of living. Therefore, to hold on to power they should be docile to the Red China, their master, to do exactly what they command and let the nation and their fellow citizens alone with their difficulty and suffering now and in the future…This status will not last long, sooner or later will come their end. What do you think?”

       One subordinate stood up and said: “The more oppression the people suffer the more reactionary they will become! Because of the debt the Red China feels free to deploy their people to  Vietnam, control the East Sea and station their troops along to be ready for…From the start nothing has been seen but the nations of the South East Asian are already on guard… The Vietnamese people are dissatisfied with the good-for-nothing authorities and hostile to the North enemies with their evil intention. The animosity and enmity of the people will be like a boil swollen with pus having come to a head and only with a needle draw the pus will come out.

       It’s very easy! The people need only to hinder the supply of food and drink for the Chinese workers on the Vietnam soil and to hem them in without doing anything else. That is the best way for an effective retaliation with the approach of burning the house and the rats will come out and that is also a way of discovering the presence of those illegal people sneaking in the VN territory and another way to cause the leaders of the Communist Party to go ape shit…”

        Satan applauded and said:“ It’s nothing hard! With a single sound of my cough all the storehouses of weaponry will be empty to make room for other stuff! I have the authority to sift Vietnam one more time, Master will not forbid me!”


        The story is about a master who used to set up the games for money. He chose his two disciples for the game. One is a crafty, malicious and greedy guy. The other guy is stupid, vicious and foolhardy. Their strengths and their weaknesses, the master knows very well. The crafty one is non-submissive and the stupid one, obedient. The reward for the winner is the garden flowing with milk and honey. 

        The day before the contest, the stupid one had the support of two coaches, they gave him the tonic to reinforce his strength. Although the master loved the crafty one but he didn’t do anything for him and remained as referee.

         Of course the stupid one won the contest very easily. Practicing the law of the jungle he caught and tied up the crafty one, giving him a severe thrashing. Being painfully beaten, the crafty had to transfer all the tricks he had to the stupid one so as to spare more pains. Learning some new lessons the stupid one seemed proud and happy and did many strange and silly things. Even his reward was also sold to have money for his spending.

         Afterwards, the master came and see the crafty guy, taking care of the injury and giving him some dissuasion. Sometimes the master visited the stupid guy and gave him some gifts.

         Ten years later, the master sent his attendant to both sides for reunification, asking them to sit down together and put aside all the stories of old.

          Knowing that both sides were irreconcilable,  the master made another choice, using the gifts to win the stupid guy’s favor. In addition, he also brought home the crafty guide to live with him so as to compensate him for all the inconvenience he had encountered previously.

          More than twenty years after, before his death, the stupid guy let to his children the garden and a quantity of his toxic remaining that he had used of in his old days. As for the crafty guy, living at the master’s home for a rather long time and feeling that his health was degrading so quickly and his death was also near, he asked the master for permission to go back to his home and profiting from the occasion to pay a short visit to the garden he thought that the stupid guy had made it devastated.

          Being aware of the disciple’s intention the master didn’t let him go because he knew that when seeing together they would be fighting for their stories of old. Not being able to go the crafty guy bore a grudge against his master and cursed incessantly the stupid one.

          Nearly twenty five years had passed, the master loved his two disciples and their children. He had a particular affection for the children of the stupid guy, he let them come to his house for study, acquiring his teaching and training how to cherish and preserve the garden bequeathed by their father. The master looked after the children of the crafty guy as well. He recommended them not to sow the hate and hostility like their predecessor. Although the children of the master’s disciples lived under the same roof, they were continually at odds with one another and didn’t want to sit down together.

         The master sat counting the tips of his fingers and he figured out that the time passed quickly, more than thirty years already! His two beloved disciples had been sleeping peacefully, well, waiting for the 42nd or 44th year (i.e. two generations) he appeared again with his extremely effective treasure – the stick, the carrot” and let the children of the crafty and the stupid guy make their choice. They would be prosperous in their career then.

         Presently, the master is accumulating all his efforts to train the children of his two disciples the practice of the cunning betrayal to be ready for retaliating the coach of the stupid guy who gave him the tonic previously. That coach also wanted to have a share of profit from the garden rewarded to the stupid guy.

         Suddenly the master remembered that the stupid guy had many children rather one. Both coaches also brought home those children for education as he did. The master thought again and again and said to himself: “Surely, to the grandchild generation, they would bury the hatched!”

         The foster child getting out of the room (his father died 25 years ago) reminded the master the phrase “such father, such son!”

          The master nodding repeatedly thought it over carefully: “The offspring  of a dishonest person and those of the wicked one never get along with one another. That garden must be in ruin!”

          The adopted child gave a further comment: “You teach your disciples retaliate and attack unexpectedly their trainer,  don’t you be afraid that they would use the way of turning one’s battery against oneself to play against you? What do you think?”

          The master seemed indifferent with a smile of self-complacency, putting his hands in his pocket taking out a dollar bill and showed to his son asking him: “Do you see these words IN GOD WE TRUST on the face of this dollar bill? This is the secret of living in true happiness, son.”

           The foster child heard but kept silent, he had no more ideas!


@ After the WW II only were remaining two blocs, the Communist bloc and the freedom bloc. When the International Communism was terminally ill, its health was degrading and the Communists themselves had no more strength and power to dissuade their brothers; and before their eyes, the East and West Germany shook their hands for reconciliation, the Eastern Communist bloc, the USSR changed their metamorphosis, the world wore the old but reverse robe and breathed a long sigh… now, we are four red remaining (Red China, North Korea, Viet Nam and Cuba.)

@ After more than eighteen centuries (from 70 AD to 1948) of losing their country and scatteringly living all over the globe, the Israelites came back to the land the Lord God had given them and their forefathers to rebuild their nation, right on their  promised land, with the US supports. Presently, they acquire all kinds of weapons and of super qualities just because they are chosen people and heirs of God the Most High.

       The VN Communists have been making God Almighty angry by denying Him but they are making intimate friendship with Israel, sitting at the banquet table with Israel and together with Israel they are looking into the future. Moreover, the Communists are also enhancing the cooperation with Iran (Israel’s foe), consent to employ a new currency ( not a dollar nor an Euro one). A gold currency? A China currency?  Very strange, is it?

@ You still  certainly remember Dien Bien Phu battle (1954) between the French and the Viet Minh? The French asked the US for  help with bombing, the US ignored, the French should swallow their resentment folding their flag and made off and going home. General Vo Nguyen Giap became famous, his name was well-known all over the world.

    In 1965, the US stepped into the South Viet Nam and a time after, the Khe Sanh battle happened (1968) and was considered as the second Dien Bien Phu. Again, the Communists had another chance to receive series of bombs coming from the B52 eagles and General Vo Nguyen Giap became mute and no more boasting.

@ Have you ever been questioning about the reason why the US stopped halfway in the course of dropping bombs over the heads of the North Communists while they were ready to raise their hands for  giving up and demanding peace?

    The North Communists continued to bring war tools and men to the South easily, placidly and without any concern! The oil pipelines from the North to the South were untouchable. The group of Molotova vehicles and Sam missiles, freely ran night and day in parallel to one another in the HCM trails to the South in compliance with the orders to destroy the preys who were in need of antidote. B52 had to be inactive and aerial photographs remained for fun.

@ Bombs had the power to stop the movement of the enemies, they took the lead in battles. Bombs caused terror to people. The gigantic bombs dropped over the heads of the North Communists at Xuan Loc (Long Khanh), with only two, but one division of men “born in the North, dead in the South” were killed and dead in standing and in sitting positions. Tthey never had the opportunity to come back to their native land. Thereafter, the detonators were sent to Thailand and the metal casings heaped up into piles, waiting for…

       Take the VN map, and let’s look at the demarcation line according to the Geneva Accords (July 20, 1954), it is only a narrow straight. Let us imagine, If bombs dropped right there, how would the VN Communists flood the South? But they would indeed! The fact is that the Communists have succeeded in going through and…  their  prey has been snatched without difficulty. It is ironic, isn’t it?

@ Similar to the pox-marked face of a person having smallpox, the Viet Cong concentration zones were speckled with holes by the ploughing of the B2 bombers. If having the opportunity to sit on the helicopter flying through the secret zones of Boi Loi and Ho Bo and the Truong Son mountain range people could see myriads of pools of different sizes and filled with-moss-and-mud-shade standing water. There were also myriads of graves pertaining to the Communist soldiers who were on the way to the South. It is unbelievable, isn’t it?

@ It seemed very ironic when thinking about the appalling peace agreement of Paris being signed by Le Đuc Tho and Kissinger who were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize! The US and the Allied Forces should  retreat from Viet Nam and moved back home. Ironically, the Communists troops still stayed in place, in the South Viet Nam, and did whatever they wanted. Such hidden meetings have decided the destiny of the South Viet Nam! The chess game was ended and a new one was about to begin…regardless of the loss of 58 thousand lives of the US and the Allied Forces. 

    With the American people: a big loss!  At the backstage of the US Congress: no big deals!

@ Speaking of the Mau Than Tet (1968), the Communists took vengeance, performed bloody purge. The assassination was not as different as previously – the land reform (December 19, 1953) – there were also killings, striking heads,  burying alive... the press and the media kept silent as clams. Is it truly shocking? Is it very base?

   More disgusting - the days before April 30, 1975 – the Media with their exaggeration, spread one-sided news and sowed hatred, fear and uncertainty in the hearts of the Vietnamese people…Before these situations, runaway for life was the best solution for the conscious mind of the minority. The Press stirred up and troubled the water stream, created chaos and difficulty to the Republic of Viet Nam Armed Forces in their  retreat. They waved the banner for the rapid moving forward of the North Communists!

@ The Republic of Viet Nam had its friends somehow, and brothers who helped them in case of need and in difficult situations. Why did the other countries not have the willingness to help the South Viet Nam when the RVN was desolated? The capability of defense and counter-attack of the Republic of Viet Nam was not mediocre. The calling of stronghold  against the Communism of the Republic of Vietnam has been soon in oblivion! A futile appellation? (a question mark, not an exclamation point). Helping Viet Nam, was it fearful of the US embargo as a future peril?  How disappointed it was!

@ To tell the truth, if there was no supply, no visit and no support of the “ blue-eyed” gentlemen in due time no prisoners of the Ka Tum prison could go back home and reunite with their family. Diseases ( malaria, dysentery, oedema, poliomyclitis, tuberculosis) took many lives of prisoners. If the “blue-eyed” gentlemen had no transactions done, the fate of the prisoners in the reeducation camps of the VN Communists would be dead end !


@ The Viet Nam Communists were playing excellently their role!  They became big “jailers” after the South was invaded. They thought that they were enjoying their Great Spring Victory ( Dai Thang Mua Xuan) in the country. They sang the North liberated the South song but they didn’t bear to think that the South liberated them. The South opened the door for them to step in the United Nations, and  the South also paved the way for them to take part in the WTO so that they could have their share with the financiers of the World (they had good pay for playing well their role). How wonderful was the scenario!

@ In 1979, the lips (the VN Communists) were swollen for being bitten by the teeth (the China Communists). Although the VN Communists didn’t look at the mirror they knew that they would not find the normality of their face again. Did they feel sorry for the distortion of the fraternal relationship between lips and teeth? At any cost they had to manage to reinforce their brotherly love by stopping as soon as possible any quarrel and controversy! They had “sixteen gold words” and “four good” as the panacea to relieve their pain. When the lips perish, the teeth become cold, therefore it would be sad when harmony failed.

      In old age, the lips are usually coming together, for fear that …when the teeth decay, they come loose and fall out, then no more teeth, how can they become cold? It couldn’t help!

@ A question; according to the H. O. category the prisoners should be confined in the Reeducation Camp for at least a three-year “term” to be released from the “Communist hell” and to have the license to come to America, have you known?

The plan of the expecting exchange had been on the conference table for many years - from the time of the President Ronald Reagan – to take over all grey substances remaining of the VN nation and that of the children and grandchildren of the reeducation prisoners living in the US.

   Not all! About 25 years later the children of the “jailers” had also the licence to go to America for their learning. Thus the Communist grey substances were also liberated. However, both grey substances did not dissolve when mixing together.


@ The past is still clear in our  fatherland, but the present is not better as expected. What would be to morrow? Have your ever thought about the reason why Viet Nam had been administered by China and France with the rod and now being subjected to the administration of the Communist scorpion?

     Why do the Viet Nam Communists treat our people with their malicious hatred?  Why do they oppress the people having love for their country so that they have to succumb in distress and poverty? With their evil mind and heart the Communists clap their hands, dance and rejoice for successively domineering their fellow citizens! Boasting to be the pinnacles of human intelligence, they teach the young generations to follow the example of their godfather  by giving up the righteous way and doing evil deeds so that the country become  mixed up, unsystematic and unsafe…

      To move rapidly, strongly and firmly toward Socialism is in compliance with their Three-No doctrine that is denial of family, homeland sentiment and denial of the Heavenly Father.

     Why are the immoral Communists of Viet Nam still alive?

     The Vietnamese people would kill themselves unless they drove out the Communists and annihilated the Communism.

     If the Vietnamese people do not ask the Heavenly Father to have the Communists wear the funeral clothes, they still act what they desire, they have the right to determine the future of the nation. And what will be the future of the nation?

@ The news of the nation, the news of the family, the news of the people…with what  we will tell the world? As being said, the invisible power is domineering the world, it is taking over all realms, it has the ability to reverse the order, destroy the worldwide society, like a fire no one can put out.

       Anyway, Satan, the leaders, the authorities, the powerful people of the world are only creation.

       The Bible says: A man can receive nothing, unless it has been given him from heaven (John 3:27 NASB).


(1)  A heart-rending story happened at the Cay Thị intersection in Gia Đinh area, the people came and eye-witnessed the Japanese behavior toward a Vietnamese woman who was involved in an illegal trade: blending saw dust with rice bran for sale. Looking at the scene everyone had to be terrified. The abdomen of the horse dead for eating the rice bran mixed with saw dust was cut in two and the entrails were taken off, the woman was trussed like a pig and inserted to the inside abdomen and sawn tight again. Being inside the horse’s abdomen the victim was stirring, shaking for a while and remained inert.

For making a living not in a normal but in a cheating way for her greed for money the woman came to the horrible result that she had to be buried alive in the abdomen of a horse. Before that tragic scene the Vietnamese had to have their head shaken with a long sigh of disappointment with the Japanese way of ruling. Without explicitly expressing their disagreement they silently swallowed the distress against the Japanese cruelty. Is that fraud worth death penalty? What do you think?

  In the present days, because of money lots of people have a various form of mixing, blending and intermingling…without taking account of the human life.

     The Scripture states clearly: For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil

(1 Tim. 6:10)

(2)  The VM’s (Viet Minh) policy in the money making for funding the resistance against the French was relying upon the people having fortune and those who were aimed at would have their life withered. My father was one victim of that policy.

     The VM sent their men to my father and bought two carts of cloth. My father was compelled to sell with a bill of debt as proof of payment. Upon the delivery of merchandise he went bankrupt. He had to sacrifice his property for his life. He had to redo from the beginning. After that incident we believed that everything would be alright, but the day after the French security came and captured my father to the Deuxième Bureau at Catinat Street and gave him a good thrashing to the extent that he was more dead than alive for pleading guilty of supplying the enemy.

    In jail, the Scripture consoled my father with:”Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both body and soul in hell.” (Math. 10:28) 

    A few months later, thanks to the intervention of a Protestant evangelist and minister my father was released. He went home with an injured and emaciated body…Being able to see him again made me happy but I could not restrain my tears from running.

  In the VM era, it was customary that the citizens were living between the hammer and the anvil. The VM didn’t like the Christians, mainly the Protestants and they sought to destroy them in several ways. Today, the Communists still continue the same policy.   

     (9) For me, at the age of naiveté and unaffectedness, I would have my prying eyes on everything with concerns and questions. Was it because of witnessing the scenes of life, the ill and merciless behavior toward one another that made me so? I saw the Japanese flag appear for a time and then, it was not seen any longer. In turn, the French color was flying over everywhere and thereafter, the national flag, the yellow background and three red stripes. I asked my father about the signification of the flag (?) He explained to me: “the red and yellow colors are emblems of the blood and the skin of our people. The three stripes are symbols of the three regions of Vietnam: the South, the Center and the North.” I continued my question: “Who is so wise to be the flag designer, Dad?” He shook his head and answered me: “Maybe the French govern our nation so long, so they understand our customs, the practices of three regions and they believe that the three regions are not be able to get along together, therefore, they designed the three parallel stripes to mean that they never converge and… never agree upon a single thing!”

      Asking about the VM flag, I was responded as such: “Ho chi Minh follows the Communism. Of course, he must depend upon them. The red background and the yellow star is the son flag, born from the father flag, the URSS flag, and the master flag which is the flag of the Communist of China. HO also used the blood color, the yellow star, but wittingly left off the hammer and the sickle so as to cover the eyes of the Vietnamese people. The hammer and the sickle are symbols of the worker and peasant. But not really so, instead, the hammer is used to strike the head and the sickle to cut the neck of the people.”

     My father said further: “The VM seized political power on June 19, 1945. Ho Chi Minh read the declaration of Independence on September 2, 1945 and on June 3, 1946 he signed the Preliminary Treaty with the French, and relying upon the French he eradicated all the followers of the Chinese Kuomintang. “Ho Chi Minh designed many tricks to kill the patriots without mercy and many people had lain down!

   Today, the VN Communist party still follow Ho Chi Minh’s path, they don’t hesitate to eliminate one another, they are contending for interests without taking account of the comrade love of their old time when they have lived and made war together in the bloody, futile and long combat on the Vietnam soil. Oh! Such is Ho! But the VN Communists kept calling him the “godfather of the nation.” Ironic, isn’t it?

(10) Following some noisy demonstrations of the students the Viet Minh propaganda was so pleasing to the people ears that my sister quit her schooling and followed her guide to the guerilla area at Vinh Long, Tra Vinh province, for being member of the force of resistance to the French. In her young age, full of enthusiasm and fervor, inexperienced of life and no awareness of the trap that the VM set anywhere awaiting the prey…my sister left behind her parents, brothers, teacher and friends and went her way. She didn’t know that she and her ignorant fellows would be the prey that the VM were going to catch at any time.

      After a time of living together with the resistance group, my sister acknowledged the reality. The uneducated people (illiterate) but as cell, team and platoon leaders,  they were haughty, they played the bully and forced the newcomers to do all dishonest and deceitful things. For the struggle against the French, no Frenchman was seen, but only the people who had a little money were ordered to pay contributions every month to show their patriotism and support the resistance force. Anyone who didn’t do what they asked to do would be considered as pro-enemy element and the victim would have the opportunity to live with the worms!

   Knowing that she was in a deadly danger, my sister felt contrition of being so foolish! She swallowed her affliction, silently asking God for opening one way for her. After many months of the unforgettable lesson she succeeded in escaping that demonic place and turning home with an indescribable joy. She had no more courage to come back to school and if she needed to do so, she would be in no mood for study as the VM deceiving image was still haunting her mind. It’s enough! Let pass the student time! 

(12) When a boy being allowed to watch movies, I felt a great joy, especially the kind of movies my brother brought home from the US Information Hall. Many were foreign and exciting films: Films about science, technology… fiction and war. Films creating deep impression in heart made me remember so long and difficult to forget, such as, the jet plane taking off vertically like a dragonfly in a windy sky. They are really genius! The Jet plane took off, landed, and flew to the right and to the left, forward and backward without requiring a long runway. Until now, within a long time of almost sixty years I have never seen such an aircraft. Was it a fictional movie?

    Thinking of one’s country with a very high civilization and looking back at my own; it is pretty much behind the times (?) They made war with sticks, scimitars and sharpened bamboos, and the infantrymen had to walk until their heels were worn out or ride the bike with sweaty bodies.

     Then, until the people of the South VN saw the images of the North Communist soldiers– the pinnacle of the human intellect – with a pith helmet combat on their head and feet with a pair of tire tread sandals, an AK-47 rifle in hands and an ammo belt on shoulder. The South Vietnam people saw also the policeman in yellow uniform, they saw the military boonie hats with wide brim, and they saw the opportunists with a red band in the sleeve of their shirt. Then, the people came to understand how the “jungle civilization” is with its aggressive march into the alleys and streets, sowing a multitude of terror and fright overhead of the Vietnamese people without spare. 

(13)  Dien Bien Phu:

Our people fall into the habit of telling about the past, when two or three people sit together, they would discuss about the topics of the day, life story…A friend opened up to me: “Thanks to the VM winning over the French, our people are no longer under the French’s domination! If otherwise, today might be…”I laughed when hearing that, I took the Bible and read a verse :“…that the whole world is under the control of the evil one” (1 John 5:19 NIV) and another one: “Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both calamities and good things come?” (Lam.3:38 NIV). He understood that I didn’t tell my own idea, he skipped and smiled.

    The Chinese population is overcrowded, so, when in battle they often crushed their opponents by taking their bodies to cover the rifle-pit. Vo nguyen Giap had a Chinese general named Wei Gouqing as master and military advisor. As always and no exclusion: First cannon and assault, after – VM made use of the mass to overflow Dien Bien Phu after bombarding over the enemy with shells.   

It is worth to say that both side, the French and the Vietminh, were engaging in violent combat without result showing either winner or loser but the French soldiers were ordered to drop their weapons and gave up (?) The French was defeated and the dream of establishing a colonialist government in Indo-China was like rice husk flying with the whirlwind. The French left, the American came and  helped the South Vietnam re-organize the government as they helped Israel rebuild the nation in 1948.


      Is Israel the stronghold to guard the oil pouch of the Middle East? Why are the US to help Israel exist with all their readiness and efforts? Rather, they let the RVN collapse on April 30, 1975, the nation that they once considered as an outpost against the Communism (?)

   After three decades of living and building the nation, Israel was attacked by the Arab block (Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq) simultaneously and vehemently, and the US responded at once by establishing an airlift for helping it and made the Arab block hold its pace …The US help Israel, for what reason? Please read some verses of the Scripture so as to get the response:

     Israel, whom I have chosen (Isaiah 44:1)

     See, they will come from afar – some from the north, some from the west, some from the region of Aswan. (Isaiah 49:12) 

     If anyone does attack you, it will not be my doing; whoever attacks you will surrender to you (Isaiah 54:15 NIV)

      “’Israel was holy to the Lord, the first fruits of his harvest; all who devoured her were held guilty, and disaster overtook them.’” declares the Lord. (Jeremiah 2:3, NIV)

        For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish; it will be utterly ruined. (Isaiah 60: 12, NIV)

        …The city will never again be uprooted or demolished (Jeremiah 31:40 NIV)

      The US is a Christian nation, they study the Scripture very carefully, they fear God, they understand His supreme power and take the Word as the precept for the national administration. They also know where the power comes from (?)

For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back? (Isaiah 14:27, NIV)

This is the reason why the United States should help Israel; just because of the existence of itself.

      Looking back at Vietnam, our country, they are proud to be in possession of a four thousand-year culture, and their ancestors belong to “Con Rồng Cháu Tiên” (i.e. descended from a dragon and a fairy). Nevertheless, the Scripture relates:

The great dragon was hurled down – that ancient serpent called the devil or Satan, who leads the world astray (Revelation 12:9, NIV)

 Is it true that the Vietnamese people’s ancestor was the dragon who leads the world astray? If so, do not be wonder why the April 30, 1975 happened. In fact, our country had a whole sea of idols and the dragon sculptures have been found everywhere in the nation, from the North to the South, and the people bow down to and worship all these idols, in violation of God’s command:

You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water below. You shall not bow down to them and worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God… (Exodus 20:4,5, NIV)

     I tell you the truth, don’t be angry!  Try to come to the American church and ask them for money to build the temple or pagoda! You might be answered “no way!” but they told you the truth for the Lord, their God! So don’t dream about asking them for aid for edification of all those kinds of idolatry!

      Concerning Vietnam, before the invasion of the VN Communist, from the leading rank to lay people, how many of whom venerate and fear their Creator? Until now, they are still living their way and know nothing about:

            The fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure (Isaiah 33:6. NIV)

If they knew this long time ago, they would have not needed the US aids, and not to run away from their country as exile and refugee! And if they knew those words of God, they would have not to take to the road to call for fighting the VN Communism as they are doing currently.


    At the end of the 19th Century, the Japanese occupied and ruled Taiwan for about 50 years. In August 1945, the Japan surrendered the Allied Nations and Mao tse Tung embraced the whole mainland of China. As leader of the Communist China, he chased Chiang Kai Shek to Taiwan, a small island standing outside the mainland, and Chiang Kai Shek chose it as an asylum after the defeat by Mao.    

     Chiang Kai Shek was settling in Taiwan and with the support of the US he established the Republic of China in October 1949.

      Being a small island next to a great continent, everyday Taiwan had to receive volleys of cannon-ball of the mainland. Mao’s dream of invading and taking over Taiwan never comes true; just because Chiang Kai Shek’s wife is a Christian, the daughter of a Methodist missionary who had studied in the United States. They all were children of the Heavenly Father, how could they not help one another? It’s easy to understand, isn’t it?

      Surely you know the reason why our country is still living in abject poverty under the yoke of the Communism?

       The VN Communists have swayed the balance of justice, they oppressed and exploited their fellow citizens and believed that they were able to sit firmly on their throne permanently. They should have thought that they were at the “lavish banquet” of the plunderers, they were drinking a delirious drink and they would be drunk of delirium, and sooner or later, they had to vomit what they ate and drank. They should abate, fall down and sleep a never-awaken sleep.

(22) In 1965, at Qui Nhon the American ship landed right at the seaside of the city, with numerous materials of war like tanks, armored cars, cannons, vehicles and military equipment. The surrounding area of the Quinhon airport was used as storage. When the GI’s were allowed to leave the barracks they went downtown Quinhon and had a good time in snack bars. In daytime, the red, blue and green lights were flashing dimly because of the sunlight of the day. The American military police in their jeeps were patrolling along the streets and picking up all the drunken GI. The people of the city were also drunk for the US blue and red dollars because they were a hundredfold more valuable than their own. The brothels sprang up like mushrooms. The ambience was happier than before the coming of the US. Besides, at times, at Quinhon stadium, there were the Tae-kwon-do shows performed by the Korean soldiers and other musical shows in open air which could entertain the people of the city.

    Over a quarter of the Quinhon beach surface was the American Transportation Unit abode with tents. The people came searching for and getting their job so easily in the PX of the US military compounds. There was no sabotage yet. The security was applied in a very lax way until an afternoon; the building leased by the US for their pilots’ dwelling was destroyed by the VC cảm tử quân (volunteers for death). The day after, on the other side of the Thi Nai marsh, the VC incited the people to go with their boats to the city and invaded it. It was the usual trick of the VC, so, when the boats were in the middle of the sea, they were all wrecked by the US helicopters’ fire and I was a stupefying witness of that tragic scene. The blood mixed with the seawater made the pain more pungent.

(24) (26)  When I was in the Infantry school I didn’t see any gun similar to that of the US soldiers I had seen before. It was a hard time for me but I tried and drilled to be familiar with endurance. My body seemed brawnier than it had been during my time at school, but I felt something wrong in my heart. I was exercising the firing, killing, retaliating; I was practicing the way to win over the enemy and keeping safe…The human teaching and learning seemed contrast to the Word of God that I had learned before. (?) Who could answer the question I had in mind? Upon the graduation, I had to learn more about how to interrogate, to torture and to use tricks to exploit my victims. Oh! Many things! Such is life? However I should been a part of it for my survival? Until a day, I saw the eyes of a POW; I remembered that my life was liberated by God from the captivity of Satan long time ago. How happy I had been!

     The crack of the jail door which had been closed by the jailor together with the night rainy sound was sadder than any other sound! It seemed that it were the long sigh of distress. On my duty hours, I went room after room and ward to ward, and through a square opening I looked into, I felt profoundly conscious of the unhappiness people had to overcome.

      “TWO IDEOLOGIES, ONE DRAMA” it is worthy to struggle, to win or lose so as to come to destruction? For how long the Vietnamese people had to bear the yoke of the Communists, the satanic yoke? When would that yoke be taken off?


(28) The Combined Military Interrogation Center (CMIC) was of two sides, the US side and the VN side, combined at work, searching for knowing the enemy situation via the statement of the VC POW’s and Hoi Chanh ralliers. Those were my everyday things and nothing was special to me. I read all those statements to learn more about how to get information, to have comparisons, and distinctions of the true and false statements. Most of them were the youngsters of the North.

     About the Mau Than event, the American side of the Center seemed unrelated and uninterested as if it were only the question of the RVN and the VC, not theirs. Therefore, they were not involved and their servicemen were not confined to quarters like the Vietnamese soldiers. Many soldiers of the enemy were caught at Phu Tho Hoa, in the direction of Cho Lon and Phu Tho race-tracks and their statements were in accordance with the US information given to us. It appeared strange to me! How come the US knew everything? Many questions rose in my mind and remained unanswered!

     Owing to the interrogations of the VC cadres and soldiers, I knew more about the North Vietnam. The Communists of the North controlled their people’s stomach so that they were forced to go to the South battle, otherwise, their family and them, they would have nothing to eat and they would have to starve to death! What a great policy!

(29)      In the final year when the Great Britain gave back the autonomy to Singapore I attended a new course in England. Although the teaching was given by the English, I didn’t see any difference with the lessons I had before. They looked alike as “conformable to the original.” A difference to me was a new lesson I learned from my friend of the same room: the lesson of “smuggling.” All I learned from him were how he hid the smuggling dollars in the body, the way of his contact with the partner for payment at the rendezvous, the way he’s awaiting the seller (of diamond, marble, cosmetic powders, women underclothes, abalone and playing cards…), how he coaxed the pilots to bring merchandise to Vietnam, and how he got over the customs at the airport. There were many stages, it was not easy! It was very hard to get the money, and then, the money illegally and hardly obtained soared like a phoenix! Really, easy go but not easy come! Such was life!

       Thinking about the present, the North Vietnam are in the quest for money, they are using many ways, many tricks, they are living in ecstasy on their ill-gotten wealth and believed that they are enjoying happiness. (?)

(30) I was working at the III Corps in the sequence of five Generals, but I had only two office bosses. I kept being engrossed in my assignments. I was happy there because I had no more opportunity to see the prisons, that small and square opening and the eyes of the prisoner. I sat and worked beside my new boss and an American advisor. We were three in the office. Occasionally, a guide (with a secret number A 22) came for a visit. Every time he came, he was warmly and friendly welcomed and when he left, the advisor gave him an envelope of money. Knowing that he was from Cục-R coming for information and news exchange, their co-operation was totally unquestionable to me and I took it for granted.

      Being familiar with the job, getting along with the co-workers, with mutual comprehending and experience sharing, I believed that I were a shuttle but it seemed to me that in my learning I didn’t find anything new. For me, people didn’t gain anything from doubt because much doubt would render people more painful in a lot of ways. I often used the information and news given by the US and considered them with those of the friend units, I forced myself to keep them in mind so as to accurately report them to my superiors.

     When I was on duty in the evening I tapped the conversation of the VC and rewrote it in blank writing. I didn’t understand what they said, but with the code keys of the US the text was decoded and it became clear and understandable. Making war that way seemed slightly indisposed!

      I was often in service out of town. I came to the friend camps near the border (Thien Ngon and Tong Le Chan), in the blockhouse and through its loophole I looked at the sky or in a rocking havoc I thought of the war, communicating with the friend units or following up the enemy situations. Also through that loophole I could see the shell stars illuminating and extinguishing in a corner of the sky. I could hear the explosive sound of the enemy cannon balls flying by through the wind or the song of the cricket at night. There was nothing to say. Truly boring! Like a prisoner, no difference at all!

        To the neighbor country, at Kompong Cham, probing the Khmer Rouge, news and information were all from the US. They gave instructions and led.    

Just go and obey the superiors’ orders, what else can I do? As soldier, submit and execute according to the responsibility and obligation, no other than that. No option. Life in the army was only the days of deep gloom and darkness. What to be “proud” when we knew that we were only puppets and “do as one is told” as the saying goes, we had to jump up and down to the movement of the hand of “someone” who had the rope and pulled.

       The Corps Commander and the chief of staff without the staff’s briefing of the friend and enemy situations would have nothing to do but sat and drank tea. The President, too!

       (The artillery, with the help of the friend units, determined accurately the grid coordinates of the target, its direction and distance, shift, and then, fire. The Air Navy, too, with the information given, fly to the target push the button and return). Was Kissinger able to do alone?

       Upon the issuing of the superiors’ commands, their subordinate ranking had to carry out,  the same was in all domain. That’s it.

 (33)  After the event of Mau Than Tet in 1968, the North Communists met with the grave failure although the RVNA used the obsolete weaponry which were ready to go to the dump. Acknowledging the RVNA fighting ability, the US government began to furnish them with the weaponry such as M16 rifles, tanks M28, cannons 155m/m, re-equipping the South Vietnam so that both side killed each other in summer 1972. (At the end of 1974, the US jet F5 was replaced by  the F5E).

     The weapons provided to both side - the NVA and the RVNA – nobody knew who had more, who had less and their correlation of force remained unknown. Although the US deployed their troops in the South in 1965, no one could answer why the US and the Allied Forces came to help the RVNA pursue the war against the Communist and no longer after they let the South Vietnam collapse!

     A multitude of lives were sacrificed, a whole sea of tears was flowing and a great number of hearts were in pain. Who could heal, comfort or do anything to recover the human distress?

 (38) The days of working together with the US soldiers at the Bureau of Intelligence of the Third Corps I often asked myself where the SPAR news (of A value) came from? A finger pointed to the sky, just it! The US probing machinery followed up and knew to the details the movement of the enemy troops, their shelters, their number, the kind of their weapons. They knew also the name of those who were recently dead and the people replacing them! The unauthorized people were not allowed to touch the “confidential” documents. The US dollars expended not for fun. Nobody of the cadres of the Central Committee of the Communist Party could get away from their “blue eyes.” Even the high ranking cadres of the RVN government were also carefully scrutinized.

      The American advisor repatriated long time ago and my boss had no friend to converse with or discuss about the enemy situations. He sat alone looking at the map of the third Corps territory but didn’t find the Cuc R anywhere. Three divisions of the regular North Vietnam Army ( cong truong 5, 7,9) and the 429th Regiment of Special Forces were in evasive motion. He exhaled a long sigh of disappointment.

        One day before April 30, 1975, two American in civilian dress came to see my boss, they spoke to one another making a rendezvous. He had to wait to know the appointment location and the time to leave his native land for living an exile life overseas. His heart was broken.

   (40) The time before I went to jail, I used to wander about the railroad station, seeing the people of the North happy to come to the South. I couldn’t believe that  they were so ragged! Those people were never released by their raggedness and their poverty. They brought with them what they possessed, a farmer’s pipe, a pack of local shredded tobacco, a deformed and sooty metal pot, a piece of tattered mat. They all had a joyful appearance, but they were not able to conceal their misery for living many years in destitution. Seeing them I could not hold in my tears. Such were the people living under the Communist regime!

 (42) Arriving to the prison-house standing in the jungle of the Duong Minh Chau war region, the sun was about to set. No sunlight was seen for direction, not a cottage of the local people. Everybody was tired and worn out for hunger and thirst. It began raining and it was chilly. During the night the rainy sound was heard like a lull. The prisoners of “re-education” saw that there was nothing to keep for their life. The freedom for running away was no more. Our future was before the muzzle of the AK 47 rifles and the bright bayonets. There was nothing more to dream of save the desperate expectation. The home-coming day was unknown. 

     They gave us a butler’s knife and a saw without handle but they wanted us to build a prison house in bamboo. It was the primal challenge of the jailbirds. With many hands and joint efforts the hut was done. Only two packs of instant noodle were used to feed hundreds of prisoners, which reminded me of the North Communist soldier status in the old days. The status of both, the prisoner and the prisoner keeper, was of no difference.

     Months and years passed away, the prisoners’ bodies didn’t remain the same as they had been before. Edema, paralysis, dysentery, malaria were the prisoners’ partners. Many had lain down. There were no more tears to mourn the deceased.

      The time kept moving on. The former “blue eyes” didn’t have the heart to move out and then they came to pay a visit to the “old and intimate friends” with their gifts: sorghum, salad oil, wheat flour, rice (blue thread bag from Seattle) to warm their heart. It’s very painful!

            (46) In the US, there is no more anxiety to have someone knocking at the door at midnight. Often in my dream I have the feeling that I have been still in prison. It is very strange! The image of the prison house in the jungle cannot be erased from my mind. It still follows me in my sleep and remain when awaken (?) How to feel comfortable, happy, life worth of living when we are in prison? Closing my eyes and thinking about the freedom I am enjoying in the foreign country, how wonderful it is! Looking back at the day when I received the release paper from the re-education camp how joyful and frustrated I was! I am free now and I am no longer in bondage, no longer being obligated to do what one commanded me to do. Joy and happiness! But please put in mind that every freedom must be paid with a price but an expensive one.  All the same, the human freedom must be in a framework no other than to be like “fish in a pot and bird in a cage.” (?)

  Anyone who loves the country and the nation should want their people to be free from the Vietnam Communist bondage, from the devils. Looking back at myself, being tied up firmly by Satan how can I do? The very self is not liberated yet how can we liberate the nation? The people still have their heart filled with hatred, discontentedness with others, wanting to prevail over, struggle for influences, having unlimited desire of all kind of things, divisions and factions. They still bowed down before the idols made by the hands of men. The idols have eyes but they cannot see, they have ears but they cannot hear, they have mouths but they cannot speak, they have legs and feet but cannot walk, they keep silent, inanimate and how can they bless their adorers? Thus, many people are still on their knees praying, prostrating themselves before them and making angry their Creator. There is still greed in the people’s hearts, “evil desire and greed, which is idolatry” (Col 5:6 NIV), their persistent jealousy, envy and unforgivingness. They bring back their past to find fault with one another. They know that the act is not good but they still do. Everyone likes a life of happiness and of prosperity but nobody thinks that above each one is the presence of the Loving Heavenly Father whose “eyes are on the ways of men; He sees their every step” (Job 34:21), He “richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment” (1 Tim. 6:17).

   Please read a segment of the Scripture to know clearly the reason why  

   our people are still wearing the VN Communist yoke.

        If at anytime I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned. And if at another time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be build up and planted, and if it does evil in my sight and does not obey me, then I will reconsider the good I had   intended to do for it ( Jer. 18:7-10 NIV).

  Please remember those words IN GOD WE TRUST and seek to come to God, destroy all the inanimate idols, that is the unique way (and no other way is available) if our VN nation wants to be liberated from the Communist yoke and the satanic power tying us up for long time.


      “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also seen eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God had done from the beginning to end” (Eccl. 2:11 NIV).

     Through many decades of war, the Vietnamese have been recipients and witnesses of the collapse and destruction of several families. Death or life could not be anticipated. Nobody could estimate the price to be paid for freedom. Many hearts could perceive the “disgusting truth” in the war on their soil, they were still doubtful, distrustful, envious, refusing the immediate truth like the Israelites of old rejected THE ONLY SON OF GOD.  

       Those many decades had consumed great pains and experienced the virulence of the VN Communism, atheists and excluders of the Truthful God. The Communists of the North kept persistently on “throwing the “truth to the ground” (Dan. 8:12) and deprived their people of the basic right of life that God granted to human beings: freedom.

      The eyes have seen, the ears have heard and the hearts have been aware of the Communistic and satanic impostures for long. Nevertheless, men still feel free to launch themselves to death and never come to know the blessed happiness that the Heavenly Father always keeps ready for them.

       This reality is clearly seen. The Israelites of whom God spoke: “I will make you a ruin and a reproach among the nations around you, in the sight of all who pass by” (Ezek. 5:14 NIV).

       The Vietnamese people still refuse God as always. They consent to be bound all their life by the evil without considering their capacity nor entrusting God for help. Thus, how can Vietnam get away from the barbarian oppression of the Communists?

        Somebody, in ignorance, is still interested and passionate in the inducement, the lull and the call of the Communists and Satan although he knows that presently the VN Communists are in daily dispute for the allotment of the wealth plundered from their victims. Taking advantage of the love for the country, the fatherland and the propriety left behind on the day of running away of a great number of Vietnamese overseas the Communists are throwing dust into the eyes of the world. Many of their entertaining games are displayed to lure our people overseas so that they forget the pain for the country and forsake their identity as beings who are in need to be liberated and to enjoy forgiveness from above.

       Looking back into history when men were divided in two, being defeated and submitted to Satan’s bondage, and  like fish out of water they were living under the demonic yoke, and being  deceived, cheated and exhorted to get away from God, they were incapable to escape from the invisible power, their freedom was robbed and  their joy of living in happiness was out of reach.

       For all these reasons Jesus has come to earth as a man to liberate human beings from Satan’s bondage as the Bible teaches us that Jesus died on the cross for mankind’s salvation.

       You are living in the USA you surely have seen the cross on the top of every church in all States. The cross is also a living proof of their faith. To live in liberty, independence and happiness is to trust in God. Only God “has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sin” (Col. 1: 13-14 NIV).

         In Vietnam, our native country, the people have frequently much hard work, they used their life to change everything and they didn’t have the chance to enjoy themselves but had to leave their “fortune” to the possession of the wicked Communists. Today, viewing those  evil people abuse their power and tear the nation into pieces, what will you do with your empty hands and minds? Should we prostrate ourselves before the inanimate idols to implore and to beg for their rescue from the chains of the Communists and the yoke of Satan? Doing so will make angry the Creator once again.

      Please come to Jesus Christ today, asking Him to forgive us and our nation.

“Come near to God and he will come near to you…Grieve, mourn and wail” (James 4:8,9 NIV). When Jesus was on earth, he said clearly that: “Apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5 NIV).

It’s him who “is the faithful witness, the first born from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth” (Rev. 1:5 NIV).

       Two world circumstances, only one choice!



        The story is about a master who used to set up the games for money. He chose his two disciples for the game. One is a crafty, malicious and greedy guy. The other guy is stupid, vicious and foolhardy. Their strengths and their weaknesses, the master knows very well. The crafty one is non-submissive and the stupid one, obedient. The reward for the winner is the garden flowing with milk and honey. 

        The day before the contest, the stupid one had the support of two coaches, they gave him the tonic to reinforce his strength. Although the master loved the crafty one but he didn’t do anything for him and remained as referee.

         Of course the stupid one won the contest very easily. Practicing the law of the jungle he caught and tied up the crafty one, giving him a severe thrashing. Being painfully beaten, the crafty had to transfer all the tricks he had to the stupid one so as to spare more pains. Learning some new lessons the stupid one seemed proud and happy and did many strange and silly things. Even his reward was also sold to have money for his spending.

         Afterwards, the master came and see the crafty guy, taking care of the injury and giving him some dissuasion. Sometimes the master visited the stupid guy and gave him some gifts.

         Ten years after, the master sent his attendant to both sides for reunification, asking them to sit down together and put aside all the stories of old.

          Knowing that both sides were irreconcilable,  the master made another choice, using the gifts to win the stupid guy’s favor. In addition, he also brought home the crafty guide to live with him so as to compensate him for all the inconvenience he had encountered previously.

          More than twenty years after, before his death, the stupid guy let to his children the garden and a quantity of his toxic remaining that he had used of in his old days. As for the crafty guy, living at the master’s home for a rather long time and feeling that his health was degrading so quickly and his death was also near, he asked the master for permission to go back to his home and profiting from the occasion to pay a short visit to the garden he thought that the stupid guy had made it devastated.

          Being aware of the disciple’s intention the master didn’t let him go because he knew that when seeing together they would be fighting for their stories of old. Not being able to go the crafty guy bore a grudge against his master and cursed incessantly the stupid one.

          Nearly twenty five years had passed, the master loved his two disciples and their children. He had a particular affection for the children of the stupid guy, he let them come to his house for study, acquiring his teaching and training how to cherish and preserve the garden bequeathed by their father. The master looked after the children of the crafty guy as well. He recommended them not to sow the hatredness like their predecessor. Although the children of the master’s disciples lived under the same roof, they were continually at odds with one another and didn’t want to sit down together.

         The master sat counting the tips of his fingers and he figured out that the time passed quickly, more than thirty years already! His two beloved disciples had been sleeping peacefully, well, waiting for the 42nd or 44th year (i.e. two generations) he appeared again with his extremely effective treasure – the stick, the carrot” and let the children of the crafty and the stupid guy make their choice. They would be prosperous in their career then.

         Presently, the master is accumulating all his efforts to train the children of his two disciples the practice of the cunning betrayal to be ready for retaliating the coach of the stupid guy who gave him the tonic previously. That coach also wanted to have a share of profit from the garden rewarded to the stupid guy.

         Suddenly the master remembered that the stupid guy had many children rather one. Both coaches also brought home those children for education as he did. The master thought again and again and said to himself: “Surely, to the grandchild generation, they would bury the hatched!”

         The foster child getting out of the room (his father died 25 years ago) reminded the master the phrase “such father, such son!”

          The master nodding repeatedly thought it over carefully: “The offspring  of a dishonest person and those of the wicked one never get along with one another. That garden must be in ruin!”

          The adopted child gave a further comment: “You teach your disciples retaliate and attack unexpectedly their trainer,  don’t you be afraid that they would use the way of turning one’s battery against oneself to play against you? What do you think?”

          The master seemed indifferent with a smile of self-complacency, putting his hands in his pocket taking out a dollar bill and showed to his son asking him: “Do you see these words IN GOD WE TRUST on the face of this dollar bill? This is the secret of living in true happiness, son.”

           The foster child heard but kept silent, no comment!



  (Some excerpts from the WAY TO THE NATIVE LAND of the same author)

…” We  see the Communists still living in prosperity, power, and luck  through many and many years although they do not fear God at all. We see that they still have great power ‘expanding like tree growing in old land.’ The Communists still survive, still exist, for what reason? Because evil still exists. “The more the evil submerge the more the Communists become strong and powerful!”…

    The Communists are immoral and irreligious people. If we vindicate that we are not irreligious, not immoral and we also know God, but we don’t pay attention to God’s mercy, we don’t care about His teachings and commandments and we are still judging one another, practicing mutual suspicion, addiction, material covetousness, selfishness, keeping up vicious practices, distrusting the saving power of Jesus Christ. Then, what benefit for oneself and for others shall be earned from this kind of religiosity and deism?

     Where is the location of the adoration, obedience, love and gratefulness dedicated to God? In the current life, if our heart and soul is still attached to the evil, and if we don’t have sincere love, there is still ground for the settlement, development and long-life of the Communism. Because we know that the Communism lives with and by the evil, it lives in our wicked heart which is ready to accommodate it whether we are in our land or overseas.

      Remembering Vietnam, our native land of old, what did we have before the Communism stepped on in our land with its treading down, trampling on and tormenting ? Vietnam used to boast and to be proud of being offspring of the “dragon” and “fairy” couple with its more than four thousand years of culture and its fine traditions. Vietnam had thousand years of Chinese domination but our soil was not dependent upon the Chinese dominion, furthermore, we were under hundred years of French domination but we didn’t bear their influence, Vietnam has all …Nevertheless, do we ever have more knowledge or ever think or seek to know that love comes from God, i.e. the good news of Jesus Christ, the saving grace that God pours on our nation like a much watery rain. (?) Do we ever boast  that we are the people who fear, love, obey and trust in God or those who hate evil?

      Looking back to our nation what will we see?  The widespread of carved idols, mediums, divinations…covetousness, selfishness, disunion, faction and rancor…And simply because the leaders, the authorities, the rulers and the people don’t fear and don’t obey God, the evil has the opportunity to emerge and develop…and taking advantage of the appropriate occasions the Communism 

got over and invaded the whole country. For this reason, the South Vietnam lost in their hands!

      Standing outside the wicked Communists could see that our people don’t love one another, the administrators hold on to their power, they struggle for positions and creating separation, dissidence, corruption from top to bottom. Taking advantage of the opportunity they introduced more evil into the intelligentsia, the working people and the evildoers dug their way through the Government, the Army, the religion, the schools, the markets and every house of the South Vietnam people. Seeing the evil in our world the Viet Cong knew how to use the evil against our evil. They relied upon the evil in our heart and made use of their tongue to deceive our people and employ their devilish force to seize our native land from our hands as a robbed propriety. And thus we were empty-handed because of their cunning deception!

      The Viet Cong crushed freedom into dust and made our people from the North to the South wear the infamy yoke of which we had the taste. Today, the Viet Cong are still seeking to lay their hands on the lay people and abuse them. They are even greedy for “the dust on the head of the poor people,” they are still seeking for making evil soar as high as possible because we still have covetousness and selfishness in our heart, the in-country and the overseas people alike. The selfishness, the covetousness are still lively and incessantly moving forward alike. The more  those evil things keep growing their expansion and intensity, the more the Viet Cong can live peacefully in their wickedness. 

       Please keep in mind this important matter and we should meditate it carefully. We must think  about ourselves and about the Communists if we are still loving our nation and native land and we want to come back one day.

       …The South Vietnam people live selfishly, without concern about our neighbors, we dislike unity, we don’t humble ourselves to work together in the struggle against the devilish Viet Cong although we have eye-witnessed many mass graves they conducted, although we have seen the bodies being thrown about  by the rockets launched to the city by the Viet Cong or the mines buried in the middle of the road on which the vehicles were running. Also being deceived by the VC the authorities and their subjects became more and more divisive, and turned against rather took care of one another. Not a drop of tears was poured for the brave soldiers of the RVNA and the Allies died in the battle save the tears of their relatives. Nobody remembered those people who died for their fellows to live. The soldiers of the Allied forces came to reinforce ours, to help us wrestle with the communist danger, who thought of them, who knew about that precious love and sacrifice for others? They worked and fought together with us, they helped us bear the insufferable burden, but in response, they got back only our negligence and indifference!

            The love of our brothers in  the Allied Forces has been abused by the RVN and the Communists made use of it. They twisted that love and transformed it into animosity, enemy and aversion for one another. Many people, losing their clear-sightedness, were bewitched by the sweet lull of the Communists, believed them  and wiped out God’s love granted through human feeling, up to the moment when the country was in their hands we came to recognize our foolishness that we were clearly deceived and then we only stood and looked, swallowing our pains, beating our chest, lamenting, repenting and regretting.

          The Communists, looking at the South and taking advantage of our squabble, our disunity, our lack of love for one another , offended us and plundered all that we spared long time ago. The loss of the country was due to our life that depended upon our greed and our naivety in hearing the false flattering of the Communists and forsook God’s love and mercy. If you don’t want to lose your country, if you don’t want to lose your freedom, your independence and your happiness, if you want to exterminate the Communism to be off  their yoke imposed on the country, if you want your offspring not to bear the communistic or satanic burden, the prior condition is to exterminate all seeds of evil which are in our heart and are dominating us now. We should teach our children to know God’s truth right now.

     “Knowing the fear of God, the evil will be far from us.”

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